Ask The Arc
When Should I Call The Arc?

Great question! The answer is NOW! The Arc is the only agency in Frederick County that supports people with developmental disabilities and their families throughout their entire lives and provides assistance in English and Spanish. Friendly Support Coordinators from The Arc begin assisting parents as soon as a child is diagnosed with a disability. For a very young child, Support Coordinators partner with families to provide information on how to access speech and physical therapies, make connections to parent support groups, and provide educational advocacy.
The Arc encourages families to pursue education at the child's neighborhood school so that students are attending classes with their siblings and nearby friends. Promoting inclusion, The Arc supports families and the school system with developing Individualized Education Plans (IEP), identifying supports such as a classroom assistant, adaptive equipment, and/or curriculum modifications, among other considerations. Support Coordinators also collaborate with schools to provide school-wide inclusion events. As that child blossoms, knowledgeable Support Coordinators assist families as that child joins community activities such as art, camps, scouting, and similar experiences. Children can also join activities at The Arc such as Parents' Day Out for free respite care. Sibshops are coordinated so brothers and sisters of children with disabilities have a place to share their unique experiences.
An important role that Support Coordinators provide is navigating through benefits that a child might be eligible for now or in the future. There are long waiting lists for some services, so determining eligibility, maneuvering systems, and meeting time sensitive deadlines is crucial.
Proactive navigation enhances seamless transitions as students exit school and access supports as adults. Following the principles of self-determination, The Arc supports people to live in their own homes, attend college, receive job training, work in meaningful jobs, and have fun in Frederick County.
Life-long assistance is provided with a focus on continued growth. Self-advocacy groups equip people to be in charge of their own lives. As independence expands, The Arc's Future Planning offers security so that when a primary caregiver is no longer able to provide support, the baton is passed on with The Arc being a trusted partner.
Support Coordinators are trained and ready to assist you! Contact The Arc NOW at 301-663-0909 or